5 Wonderful Seo Tips in 2021

 Hey, everyone, in this blog,  we'll talk about an important topic,which is SEO called search  engine optimization.

5 Best SEO Tips

It's just one of those things  that you have to think about and work with constantly, especially with Google  introducing new things that they consider ranking factors  and changing their algorithm all the time.

So I'll walk you through my top  SEO tips of 2021.

Understand Core Web Vitals.

Let's start off with what Google is now  looking for when making the decision where your site will rank  in the search results. Well, at least one of the new  and important things, and it's the Core Web Vitals.

If you're not yet familiar  with this term Core Web Vitals are metrics that measure  the performance of your sites.

Your site has to be fast and focused on  user experience, which of course is great for the user, but it means more work  for people making content.

To check your site's performance  you can use tools like GTMetrix, Page Speed Insights or web.dev/measure.

Last two by Google, by the way.

If we take the GTMetrix  tool as an example, after you enter your URL,  your site will be analyzed.

And here you'll see a score for areas  like performance, as well as suggestions  on how to improve some of these issues. So all this tip boils down to  is that you should focus on your sites performance and therefore increase your Core Web Vital scores.

Make quality content for humans.

We're way past the times  where the highest ranking page was just filled to the brim with keywords  and won't actually be useful content.

When your focus is the actual human  being interacting with your content

they'll be more likely  to find your websites.

And the very advanced  Google algorithm will notice that.

So what do I mean by quality content?

I'll share Google's own advice because  they know best what they're looking for.

First and foremost:

make pages primarily  for users, not for search engines. Don't deceive your users.

Avoid tricks:

 intended to improve search  engine rankings like hidden links or text, sneaky redirects  and things of that sort. And think about what makes your website  unique, valuable or engaging. Make your website  stand out from others in your field. I know these were pretty broad,  but Google's algorithm is getting better at recognizing quality  content with every update they make.

So no tricks on your site!


So when you've got great quality content,  the job doesn't end there. Keywords still matter  if you want search engines to discover your website  and know what it's actually about. And these days, Google recognizes  not only the main keyword, but related terms, too. So it is also important to use  LSI keywords, which are semantically related terms. So, for example,  if you search for healthy snacks, Google will show you relevant  subtopics like weight loss or recipes.When thinking about what  LSI keywords to include in your content you can just write the main keywords  in Google search and first look at what autocomplete has to offer.

And then you can also scroll down  to the very bottom of the search results  and see the related terms here.

It's important to  note that LSI words are not synonyms. Another good example of this is  if a person is looking for "Apple" then there are at least two options  available as to what will be found on Google - fruit  or the technology brand. So just the keyword  without additional context, no longer makes any sense. Work on EAT.

I hope you're not hungry,  because the next thing we're going to talk about is called EAT or expertise,  authority and trustworthiness. This is meant to ensure that the sites  who rank high are showing content that is accurate and by field experts, because nowadays anyone  can create a website about anything. So what kind of chaos would it be  if I, a marketing person, would publish medical or financial advice?

It could even potentially  be pretty dangerous.


So to build expertise, authority  and trust on your site, make sure your backlinks are from relevant  and high authority sources. Get reviews online  if that's relevant for you, and make sure that the people creating content on  your site are experts in the field.

To show that you can include things  like social media handles, degrees, awards, their websites, etc. in the author information,  everything that can let Google know that this person is qualified to talk about  what they're talking about right now. Google Passage Ranking is an exciting  new addition to the algorithm. This means that Google now ranks  not only the whole page, but individual sections, too. So people will get  more specific search results.

This mostly applies  to long form content, though. There is no direct strategy  in optimizing your content for Google Passage Ranking ,  especially if your content is already high quality and answers direct questions  that are based on relevant keywords.

If not, it all makes a full circle here  and comes back to quality content. In relation to this also always remember  to properly use header tags to organize your content  like H1 for Title H2 to for subheadings. H3 to subdivide H2 further and so on. So keep this new update in mind  when writing your next blog post. Make sure that each section  of your article can stand on its own. So Google can find it.  All right, everyone.Now, you should have some ideas  on how to improve your SEO strategy.

Let us know which one  you think impacts your website the most.

And that's it for now.


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